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While tithing is our first priority in giving to God, many believers recognize that ​incremental gifts make a real difference in expanding the Kingdom of God.  Out of gratitude for all Jesus has given to us, we can also make the decision to give beyond the tithe (also known as an Offering).  Giving beyond the tithe is a chance for you to be extravagantly generous. 

We're encouraged by the Apostle Paul's reminder that whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. The key is that our offering is a personal decision of the heart, not to be given reluctantly or due to feeling pressured.  God loves a cheerful giver.  (2nd Corinthians 9:6-7)

To give a secure one-time gift or a recurring monthly gift, select the "Share An Offering" button.  You can give for a special project or donate to a ministry of your choice. 


Thanks for being extravagantly generous - it changes lives!

Copyright © 2020 New Heart Community Church of the Nazarene

Tracy, California. All Rights Reserved.

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